September 08, 2009


So - if you haven't guessed already - we are home and back into routine. I do however have some of this trip I missed mentioning.

After Weyburn, SK. we had a great trip through the backroads just above the US border through the rest of Saskatchewan and some of Manitoba. All the way down to Estevan and through Frobisher. Merv's parents lived in Frobisher for awhile - wow - what a lost little place that is. The sign was so faded you could barely read it, however, there was a very old building still standing that Merv believes is where his grandfather ran a farm equipment business.

From here we veered north toward Brandon and kept on driving through the evening passed Winnipeg into Kenora. At this point I was too tired to continue so we stayed at a campground right in Kenora. We didn't see much of this one except the showers because we left at 7:30 the next morning with the plan to drive all the way to Ottawa, nonstop. Between Merv and I giving each other sleep breaks and coffee stops - the driving times got shorter but the sleep got deeper as we became more exhausted from driving. I caught him falling off to sleep and heading for the shoulder only once - but he caught himself quickly - we switched right then (yes, I too, found myself nodding). Driving through the night in northern Ontario is special - no scenery but you know the road often drops about 300' to the rocks below and there are beware of moose signs every kilometre it seems.

Why would we do this you say? Good question, the last time we drove like this was to Florida about 15 years ago. Somebody needed to get home for Friday afternoon and our trip just seemed to be taking longer - slower vehicle I guess - so we thought in a fit of nostalgia that we could do this easily. Wakeup call - we're not in our 30's anymore.

All in all - I would take this trip or anywhere else in a heartbeat - maybe with a more up to date vehicle. It was a fantastic trip.

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