November 26, 2014

Hip Hop: An Operational Journey

December 4, 2014

After stitches removed I found the effort of going out was a little too much for me.  My hip hurt quite a bit and I had to go back to my routine of two pills every 5 hours.  Apparently they build up in your body to help keep pain down to manageable level.  Distractions to counteract boredom are now becoming important.

I had a suggestion that this might be a good time to read a book.  So true.  I do have a book I've been meaning to read   "Ride the Rising Wind by Barbara Kingscote" about a women who rode across Canada in May 1949 and finished her journey Aug 1950.

I also have an interest in crafts that are now scattered around my dining room table.  I find I can only put in about 30 minutes at a time for this activity.
December 3, 2014

Haven't posted awhile because there have been no real changes.  I continue to progress at a snails pace.  Today I get my stitches out - woohoo.  They're really getting itchy and the skin is shrinking around them - a good thing I'd say shows some healing taking place.
I continue to have a deep pain in the thigh if I happen to move the wrong way, getting tedious now, thinking how much longer I have to be careful with this, 4 more weeks.  Can't lift leg or bend at more than 90 degrees until New Years Eve or the good surgeon says so.  I can motor pretty well on crutches now, however I am developing some blisters/calouses on the heels of my hands.  Used to be really sensitive but I'm not noticing any pain in hands any more unless I spend a lot more time moving about.  I take stairs really, really well even without banisters, in fact I prefer without banisters.

I am getting really bored lying around.  I'm a person who would take off at 6 in the morning to take pictures around Ottawa or at least want to walk somewhere, anywhere just to get out of the house.  This confinement has given me a new appreciation of shut-ins and people who are not as ambulatory as most of the world.  We are at the mercy of those in our smallish world who choose to do as we wish them to, on their own time.

I had some people who had told me they would be available for me while I was on sick leave, to bring me dinners or just come in to chat, however I chose to go early for surgery so I could be free of crutches sooner than later - that didn't fit in to their schedule - haven't seen or heard from them but once.  They said - Oh, sorry we thought you were going later, don't have the time at the moment.  I understand, it was my decision to go early and they have prior commitments.

I have way too much time to ponder these days and without being able to even sit at the computer for more than 15 minutes at a time, I have had to make do with my phone, a borrowed IPad, a tablet and my laptop (seems like plenty of ways to connect).

I have a pile of crafting material set up on my dining room table to get my creativity bug in motion again.  Making cards, tags, scrapbooks (I hope) etc, and have been trying but need to be able to sit for more than 15 minutes at a time to get anywhere with it.  Still it's fun and the sitting is improving.

Playing with my meds, seeing how long I can go without them and without getting nauseous or a head ache.  Apparently I can go for almost 8 hours now without ill affects, meaning I'm pretty much past the constant pain stage.  I take them at night because I move a lot and tend to hurt myself, silly me.  Never took the full range of meds offered - only Tylenol and Tramadol and they don't make me dopey or sick.  Would love to break off them permanently....soon.

Hope this ramble offers you some insight into the world of the isloated, trapped soul I feel I have become.  Should make me more than motivated to get my old life back and go see that mare of mine and walk, walk, walk.
L8r folks.

November 26, 2014

8:00 am:
I have decided to move my posts from Facebook about my hip operation to my journal, thereby giving my readers who really don't want to hear that stuff a break and those who really wish to know a place to keep reading the nitty bitty details.  Hope you have followed me here if you're interested.

I woke up this morning, the exact 1 week anniversary of my operation, with a swollen leg and pain in my hip and shoulder.  I suspect a minor setback from doing too much the day before.  The shoulder is really sore from an old injury I had where I overexerted and got myself in a pickle called frozen shoulder.  This I know how to fix, I just have no way of doing it properly at the moment.  Physio starts on Dec 8th so I can deal with it then.
The swollen hip is a little disconcerting, infection again? overexertion? normal progression? who knows.  I have taken my full meds today to stave off pain, swelling and discomfort - see where it goes from there.

10:00 am
Feeling a little better albeit slightly drug induced euphoria.  Have had breakfast, had a nice chat with my youngest sister and now going to get caught up on this blogging thing.

.....copied from my Facebook page...

November 19, 2014.
It begins... countdown til surgery tomorrow starting at 9:15am.
I will be awake for this major surgery because recovery is faster and less problematic (so they tell me). How I handle the sounds and smells will tell me whether I ask to kindly be sleeping instead.
Good-bye hip, we've had half a century together. You've put me through, everything I've ever wanted to do. Climbing, running, hiking, biking, horseback riding, karate ....I think perhaps the most difficult thing I've asked of you was to sit for long periods of time.
Lately though you have been a real pain in my butt. You have let me know at some very inopportune moments that you are done doing what I want.

I remember two years ago finding out about your demise and having a couple of sleepless nights considering my options. I waited to give you more time to heal. Gradually over the past 5 years I have only been able to make you go for about a block, maybe two if I push you.
You and I have to part ways. I have another quarter century of fun things I want to do yet. I'm sorry it couldn't last but your successor will hopefully shine and accomplish at least most of what you did for me.
It's not easy, though I know thousands have gone before me - they were not me. I have never had this experience before. It's scary, exhilarating, exciting and worrisome all at once. Research has made me feel better and worse all at once. I know I will come through, I know it's second hat for the surgeon performing but it's still new to me.
I am sharing this insight with you to give you an idea what goes through your mind before any surgery big or small.
I can equate the fear/excitement to bungee jumping off a bridge or free climbing a mountain.
I am looking forward to walking without pain but most importantly I want to ride my horse next year. (My mid life crisis gift from my sister)
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  • Trevor Badour Thanks Wendy. We have both attended the pre-op and post-op sessions and I think we're ready for it. Bring it on, let's get this thing over with! Take care.
  • Wendy Lawson We should get together sometime after her operation when I can drive again
  • Trevor Badour We would like that very much.
  • Kimberly Luceno HI Wendy....glad you came through it well. I was away both Sunday and Monday..but thought about you over the weekend. If you need anything, let me know.
    Yesterday at 8:47am · Like


    November 27, 2014

    Yesterday, started the day with a shower and then I had a really slow day, a little extra aching and decided to not move around quite so much.  I have noticed that my hands are getting very sore in the palms from holding myself on crutches and the walker.  Sore enough that pressing gently on the heel of my hand actually hurts.  This is the phase where my body essentially has to get used  walking on my hands. Another 4 weeks of crutches to go, so this gets important.
    My stitches are healing nicely and the level of itching is increasing - a good sign I'm told.
    The night was a little better but I need to make sure I have much more water, Tylenol it seems makes you sweat.

    November 28, 2014
      Today was an early day - made my way carefully downstairs at 5:30 and made my tea, toast and fell exhausted on to the couch.  Effort takes a lot out of me even a week later.  Slept on the couch for another 2 hours and woke up feeling great.
    Jessica has been the best help ever for me.  Getting me little things I forget or can't carry. Did no cleaning today, nothing strenuous, no lifting except myself.  So very difficult for me to do nothing.  Not really keeping to the "every 4 hours" for the drugs, just take them up to 6 hours later.
    So far normal progression.

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