April 03, 2017

Don't Let Them Get To You

I have a little blog for you to follow if it fancies you. It's off the wall a bit.  Throw someone a lifeline today!

Bullying on the internet, why is it so powerful? 
It's like Ciercy walking the street naked through a crowd of haters in Game of Thrones. Public shaming has power, only if you give it that power. She never gave it power, it only hardened her.
The internet has power to break families for their individual beliefs as well. I have been called self rightous, a sheep, stubborn and much worse by my own sisters. All because I believe in science, the stars and the universe. It didn't break me, it made me sad that they were so ready to believe garbage and publicly shame that they resorted to hate even their own blood.
You need to step back before you say something and ask yourself:
1. Is this going to hurt me?
2. Why do I care?
3. Do I have facts to back up my statement?
4. Is this person going to change their mind if I say this?
5.  Am I ready to properly debate or am I commenting on the fly, knee-jerk reaction fashion.
Don't let it get to you, internet audiences are like locusts, they fly in for the kill and move on just as quickly.
Chin up, bounce it off, don't respond to them because you give away your power. They'll trip themselves soon enough but not over you.

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